Сегодня на почту пришло. Ву-хух!

Greetings Rei,
You are invited to participate in our Welcome Back Weekend for The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™. The weekend will run from April 16th at 15:00 BST ending on April 20th at 15:00 BST, allowing you to once again adventure through Tamriel. We’re excited to share this experience with you, and we look forward to your feedback after you have played. There have been many advances to the game since launch, improved leveling, intro areas, combat, quests, crafting, crime systems, and much more! Don’t miss this opportunity to check out everything new.

А вообще большой шаг конечно, что игра перешла на модель оплаты B2P. Все идет к тому, что я снова уйду задротить...